Administration and Staff
The School of Dreams Academy is staffed with an exceptional team of highly committed individuals who will inspire and mentor each individual student. The staff’s goal is to offer students excellence in education with a passion for learning and life. The faculty will help each student in his or her growth toward becoming a responsible adult, an outstanding student and a person who has respect for others and himself or herself.
Mike Ogas, Principal, Email
Gerri Bennet, Business Manager, Email
, Counselor, Email
Rick Nesbitt, Technical Coordinator, Email
Susan Garcia, Program Administrator, Email
Trish VanHavermaat, Nurse, Email
Mary Ann Silva, Security, Email
Sofie Granger, Receptionist, Email
Soni Buda-Thornburgh, Language Arts and Social Studies, Email
Cindy Bernier, Digital Media Arts, Email
Creighton Edington, Math,Robotics, Email
Amanda Saiz,Social Studies, Email
Lorena Herrera, Spanish,Accreditation, Email
Tomasita Oshiro, Arts,Accreditation, Email
Kathy Hajner, Special Ed., Email
Eric Brown, Science,Robotics,Pre-Engineering, Email
Patricia Herrera, Math, Email
Margaret Hidalgo- Vanderheyden, Arts, Email
Kerra Howe, E2020 Administrator, Email
Roseanne McNiel, Dance, Email
George Chavez, Physical Education and Social Studies, Email
Lanika Rodrigues, Language Arts and Science, Email
Jeff Jolly, Music/Band, Email
Officers of the School of Dreams Academy PTC
Kerra Howe, President
Patricia Holm, Vice-President
Kat Duarte, Secretary
Janell Thomas, Treasurer